
Have to say – I bought a big workout ball and have been using it as a chair at my desk.  Heard that it is supposed to help you work on your ‘core’… I have noticed that I definitely sit up straighter while sitting on it!  Only problem so far is getting up from it!  My feet touch the ground, but this is a big ball – a little clumsy!!

So I am going to get used to sitting on my ball – and get comfortable and start writing.  Oh joy!!  I really am excited to think about opening back up that part of my brain and writing again… OH to be creative!  There is nothing like it in the world!  Going to just be excited to get a book to completion and start the editing process… Ah hell, I am actually going to be excited to start a routine and get some sentences, then paragraphs, then pages down!! Going to start this weekend hopefully!

Will update!

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